Mi-a fost varata-n ochi recent o discutie a asemanarilor intre o veche poveste hindusa si Miorita. La arhetipe(se)le lui Jung (si chiar Nietzsche) nu cred ca voi reusi s-ajung in acest articol. Este vorba despre unu' Joseph Campbell si unu' Jung si mituri universale, gen.
Atentia mi-a fost atrasa (de la sine, desigur,
), de o veche poveste indiana spusa de un blogger care ar fi putut fi. Iata, pe scurt si in engleza, despre ce-i vorba:
Number in collection, 14, Reference to pages, 127 to 131. Specific name, Little Anklebone. Dramatis personae: shepherd boy, wolf, old woman, king.Thread of story, a small shepherd boy meets a wolf who eats him,(1) and at his request after eating him hangs his anklebone by a thread to a tree overhanging a pond, three robbers come underneath to divide their spoil when a jackal howls(2) and at the same moment the anklebone falls on one of their heads, they run away, whereon anklebone obtains their wealth, buys a pipe and plays on it to the female animal creation,(3) and he milks them and makes a pond of milk ; an old woman comes for water and discovers it,* informs the king of the country who chases anklebone, and when he catches him finds him to be a mere anklebone and so lets him go; his piping, however, is still to be heard in the wilds. Incidental circumstances : (1)anklebone has an aunt, and his aunt decides that the wolf is to eat the shepherd instead of the sheep, the child always piped while tending the sheep ; (2) a bad omen, and hence the robber's fright; (3) does, tigresses and she-wolves come together to hear him play and he milks them ; (4) she asks for water and anklebone directs her to the milken pond. Where published, Indian Antiquary, Vol. XII., p. 1o3 ff. Nature of collection : Original or translation, original, collected by F. A. Steel; (2) Narrator's name, not given, told by a small boy of the Bdr (wilds) of the Gujranwala district; (3)Other particulars, nil.
Discutia se-ncinge in jurul ideii ca povestea de mai sus este oarecum similara cu Miorita. Mai precis, cum ca “substratul Mioritei fu cel mai probabil adus in partile noastre de tigani”. Desigur, o astfel de idee infurie cam orice roman patruns de sentimentul transhumantei si ierarhizarii raselor, care se mai cheama si rasism. Si totusi…
Ca sa discuti asemanarile si deosebirile dintre cele doua smenuri, ai nevoie, pe langa capabilitatea de a purta o discutie, de un bun simt de observatie si un oarecare simt analitic, combinat cu o oarecare baza culturala. Cat de bazata e baza determina calitatea dezbaterii.
Prima chestie este cam absenta si nu prea exista la noi – desi unii o au sau incep s-o aiba. Dar nu despre asta vreau sa glasui cu tastatura, ci despre baza culturala. Genul asta de comparatii are loc in studiul religiilor si in studiul miturilor. Cand e vorba de mituri, figura cea mai reprezentativa este probabil Joseph Campbell. Mai sunt si altii, dar ideile lor n-au prins la fel de tare.
Unii comparativisti se concentreaza asupra asemanarilor de limbaj. Daca ar avea ei dreptate, indienii / tiganii nu trebuie sa ne fi adus noua Miorita – noi am plecat de-acolo si-am carat cu noi mituri comune, care au evoluat diferit. De pilda, citind despre Zeus in blog si citand din wikipedia,
The Greek sky-god Zeus Pater, the Roman sky-god Jupiter, and the Indian (Vedic) sky-god Dyau? Pit? have similar names. This suggests that the Greeks, Romans, and Indians originated from a common ancestral culture, and that the names Zeus, Jupiter, and Dyaus evolved from an older name, *Dyeus ph2ter, which referred to the sky-god, or to get a perfect English cognate, a day-father, in a Proto-Indo-European religion.
Nu stiu in ce masura a fost Campbell tradus in Romania, dar daca nu ai cartile sale, wikipedia iti e gagik. Care wikipedia este un punct de plecare superior Britannicii si oricarei alte resurse online. Desigur, as fi mult mai putin inclinat sa spun asa ceva daca rostul meu bloggeristic ar fi sa rescriu articole furate din wikipedia pe care sa le dau drept “originale” si sa folosesc din cand in cand alta sursa de inspiratie ca s-o fac pe inocenta, dar nu cu asta ma ocup.
In episoadele urmatoare, balada lui Campbell si a altor mitologi comparativi. Mit II apare Duminica si-i despre cine-i Campbell cand nu-i supa.
Sources / More info: wiki-fa-steel, punjab-notes, sacred-indian-fairy-tales, wide-awake, trilema
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