Toronto: Nuit Blanche si romanca VJ  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in , ,

Doua stiri oarecum interesante ma-mping sa sparg tacerea in care m-am cufundat in ultima vreme. De fapt sunt trei, dar doua au de-a face cu Romania.

Oana Dragan VJ Sa-ncepem cu romanca.

Oana Dragan

Ce stim despre ea? A terminat recent Ryerson, si-si va sarbatori ziua de nastere pe 18, dupa Nuit Blanche si chiar si dupa concursul de VJ, care se termina pe 13. Si mai e maritata cu Mirjam de Ruiter, ceea ce-nseamna ca pentru masculii interesati in ea exista o piedica dubla. SleepyPuppy dog eyesPeace SignHee heeBilly

Pentru cei care nu stiu, MuchMusic este un MTV canadian, prezent si in America Latina, Cehia si alte cateva tari. O data la vreo 5 ani are loc VJ Search: The Series care din 2006 incoace este un reality show. In ciuda popularitatii show-ului, majoritatea VJ-lor sunt angajati direct de MuchMusic, fara a fi participat in concurs. Sook-Yin Lee si-a inceput si ea cariera ca VJ.

Am pus si-o lista cu videoclipuri in surse, dar pana pe 13, daca vrem sa castige, va trebui sa mergem pe link-ul de vj (primul in surse) si s-o votam zilnic (cum am facut si cu cele 2 romance din concursul de Miss, inainte). Mult succes, Oana!

Nuit Blanche

Anul acesta are loc pe 3 Octombrie, adica Sambata. Anul acesta exista si o aplicatie iPhone, Night Nav. Ce-ar fi de vazut? Iata ce recomanda Martini Boys:

Koons' Rabbit Balloon @ sbNBJeff Koons' 50-foot mirrored stainless-steel rabbit balloon @ Eaton’s Centre Battle Royal @ sbNBIn a recreation of the opening scene of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man, Shaun "El Conquistador" Leonardo (the artist) fights in Battle Royal with 20 wrestlers and blindfolded members of the audience @ Coach Terminal
Paul Butler's conversations @ sbNB The Other Gallery's Paul Butler has invited 30 artists to ask another person to describe their reaction to a work of art @ Various Venues Gordon Monahan installment Ontario/Germany-based artist Gordon Monahan turned a concert hall upside down, with the audience on the stage @ Massey Hall
Pwn the Wall = bombIR & Agitprop graffiti Artists will paint with light using a device called bombIR (infrared LED). ‘30s Agitprop + graffiti @ 518 Bay Street Susan Burpee gettin' ready 4 her dance

Susan Burpee will show a 12h dance based on Simon Critchley's The Book of Dead Philosophers. 24 dancers will perform & 200 philosophers will die @ CourtH

Therrien's random characters D.A. Therrien's piece suspends four 7m sq alpha-numeric lamps that will randomly display characters between the two towers @ Toronto City Hall. Jamie Kennedy's sausage on fire Fire and Sausage imagines a post-apocalyptic world in which we have returned to our long-lost altruism. You will congregate around a fire and bask in the warmth of Jamie Kennedy's sausage Party @ Liberty Village
Sight of Sound - Christopher Baker - Urban Echo The Sight of Sound has several instalments - in a piece called Urban Echo, audiences can text and twitter messages onto the front of the building, before exploding and scattering @ The Drake Hotel Vodka Pool by Dan Mihaltianu "Liquor and liquidity bear more than passing associations to banks and money. Intoxicating, like the euphoria of riches; evaporating, like the vanishing of investments during economic downturns." Vodka Pool @ Commerce Court West by DAN MIHALTIANU

Ce nu face artistul pentru arta.. Programul NB continua descrierea baltocii de vodka astfel:

In black markets and other underground economies, the connections are even more literal. During wars and totalitarian regimes, such as Nicolae Ceausescu's dictatorship in Romania, alcohol serves as both an escape and a home-brewed currency for procuring essential goods and services.

Cine este Dan, asadar?

Dan Mihaltianu works in a range of media, including photography, video, interactive installations and multimedia. A key aspect of his practice concerns research into liquids and their associations and functions. From the world's oceans to financial liquidity, from political transparency to liquor and food culture, Mihaltianu addresses the contribution of fluids to the most salient features of contemporary life. Mihaltianu has participated in major exhibitions across Europe.

Cateva din operele de arta nementionate aici dar aflate in directorul din surse (nb) imi amintesc de rant-ul lui Mickey Rooney re: modern art. Il gasesti in “China’s Andy Rooney..” Big Grin - On the same blog, these news in English!

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Sources / More info: vj, fb-od, od-blog, od-group, mm, mm-vj, syl, nb, iphone-nb, nb-mb, wiki-nb, nb-dan-mihaltianu, dm-artfacts, lista, yt

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