Cu o oarecare tristete, descopar ca in mintea multor masculi tineri (si nu numai) exista adanc inradacinata ideea ca pentru a cuceri femeia tre' sa folosesti sapunul Cheia. Sau, ma rog, sa fii rock star, sa te razi in mai multe locuri, sa ai in dotare unelte lungi si muschi de otel. Si ca asta nu este numai necesar, dar si suficient. Le-as citi din Charles Bukowski. N-ai zice dupa nume, dar Bukowski este un poet american care-a murit intre timp. Nascut in Germania din parinti nemti, a flirtat cu nazismul in tinerete, multa acnee juvenila, dat la scoala catolica, a trait in Los Angeles cea mai mare parte a vietii. Incerc aici o traducere din poezia reprodusa integral dedesubt:
Cine dracu-i Tom Jones?
Am stat cu
o fata de 24 de ani din
New York pentru
2 saptamani- cam
pe vremea grevei
gunoierilor de-acolo, si-ntr-o
noapte femeia mea de
34 de ani a venit si
a zis "vreau sa-mi vad
rivala". a vazut-o
ce dragutica esti!"
ce s-a-ntamplat apoi
asa tipete si zgarie-
turi, miorlaieli de animal ranit,
sange si urina...
Eram beat si-n pantalonii mei
scurti. Am incercat sa
le separ si am cazut,
trecut prin plasa de muste
pe poteca
si direct in strada.
masini cu sirena pline de gabori
au aparut. un eli-
copter se-nvartea deasupra.
Am stat in baie
si m-am zgait in oglinda.
Nu deseori la varsta
ti se-ntampla.
mai ceva decat rascoala de
la Brasov.
cea de 34
a venit inapoi. se
pisase pe ea toata si
hainele ii erau ravasite si era
urmata de 2 gabori care
vroiau sa stie de ce.
tragandu-mi pantalonii scurti
am incercat sa explic.
Who the hell is Tom Jones?

24 year old girl from
New York City for
two weeks- about
the time of the garbage
strike out there, and
one night my 34 year
old woman arrived and
my rival." she did
and then she said, "o,
you're a cute little thing!"
next I knew there was a
such screaming and scratch-
ing, wounded animal moans,
blood and piss. . .
I was drunk and in my
shorts. I tried to
seperate them and fell,
wrenched my knee. then
they were through the screen
door and down the walk
and out into the street.
squadcars full of cops
coptor circled overhead.
I stood in the bathroom
and grinned in the mirror.
it's not often at the age
of 55 that such splendid
things occur.
better than the Watts
the 34 year old
pissed all over her-
self and her clothing
was torn and she was
followed by 2 cops who
wanted to know why.
pulling up my shorts
I tried to explain.
Surse / More info: Charles Bukowski – wikipedia, yt-cat
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