The very recent new USR scandal featuring Andrei Caramitru and the Vice Romania “journalist” Sidonia Bogdan is both disturbing and funny. I don’t consider myself “journalist” but as a blogger I’ve asked candidates questions, with mixed results, and as a political candidate I often had to deal with incredibly idiotic interactions on Facebook, so I sort of see where Caramitru the Young is coming from as well. Let me explain.
As a blogger, I asked MEP candidates questions for 2019, and here in Toronto in 2018. Far less Romanian candidates answered than Toronto candidates, but I made more of an effort in the Toronto election and also there I only had one question. While I made an effort to find the MEP answers online as well and was able to find a few, for the most part I couldn’t, which left me rather unhappy. Anyway, I asked these questions to help me determine whom to vote for and published the results to help others as well.
I can give countless examples of idiotic interactions I had on Facebook, where, when people see you have run for office, they just go crazy.
So I sympathize more with Andrei Caramitru, because he makes more sense to me whereas Sidonia Bogdan is asking Qs with obvious answers – I know the answers just by having had a quick look at Andrei Caramitru media appearances for my previous article. I can understand a “journalist” being persistent with these questions if AC was running for office, but this guy isn’t even doing that (at least, not yet), and he’s already answered, previously, if you only bother listening to his interviews / reading what others wrote about him. This should be easy for a layperson, and required homework for a “journalist”.
Then again, this Sidonia Bogdan person is not at the first such case of harassment of someone who did nothing wrong but she is likely envying. This “Facebook [opinion – as she quickly emphasizes] journalist” published some status updates criticizing Mihai Sora, who got married at 98 to someone much younger, for being manipulated by her. That person responded by questioning Sidonia Bogdan’s credentials.
I looked at her Facebook page and she claims to be a graduate of a non-existent University, which apparently closed down in 2006 and had not been “accredited”, only “authorized” (hn-evzsarbu). It seems to me that she is at or below Adriana Oprea’s level.
I should summarize the opinions published, just to see whom to follow in the future, but I’m running out of time and curiosity; find the links below.
*(*This article is unfinished – it was scheduled to appear in the hope that it will be finished before, but since this message is here and until it is removed, the article is to be considered work in progress*)*.
Sources / More info: hn-evzsarbu, fbla-futegrija, fbls-notjourno, fbsb-acaberusr, liro-sb, viro-sb, roli-sb, dvro-sb, 2dn-lssb, e101-mssmbl, pr-lssbac, dcn-sbac, rtv-acatac, hn-acusr, evz-acatac, an-grobian, etr-sclavi, ak-50k, ts-dezicens, rn-dezicefp, adv-acusr, jph-ac, ns-scndl
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