Cand eram mic, mi se spunea ca daca ma joc cu focu', ma ard sau fac pipi-n pat. Si m-am jucat cu focu', da' am avut noroc ca n-am ramas gravid si nici pipi-n pat n-am facut. Adica am facut, da' nu cand ma jucam cu focu'. Mhm.
Probabil ca exista o traducere mai buna in romana pentru "statutory rape" ("corupere de minori?!?"), dar nu o stiu eu. Cert este ca nu pot sa citesc mai nimic in ultima vreme ca numai asta aud:
World Briefing | Europe Romania: 11-Year-Old Victim to Be Allowed ...
New York Times -Jun 26, 2008
By AP The government has ruled that a pregnant 11-year-old who was raped by a relative can have an abortion in Romania. Twenty Christian Orthodox church groups have threatened to press charges if the government allows the girl, who is 21 weeks pregnant ...
Outcry in Romania over abortion for raped 11-year-old girl
The Times -Jun 28, 2008
Romania is heatedly debating the emotive issue of underaged girls being allowed abortions after it was revealed that an 11-year-old Romanian girl intended to fly to Britain to terminate her 21-week pregnancy.
Rape victim, 11, allowed abortion in Romania
The Associated Press -Jun 26, 2008
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - The government ruled Thursday that an 11-year-old rape victim would be allowed to have an abortion in Romania, dismissing the opposition of 20 church groups. Pro-life Christian Orthodox groups had threatened to press charges ...
Romania will let 11-year-old rape victim have an abortion -Jun 28, 2008
A girl of 11 who claims she was raped by her 19-year-old uncle can have an abortion on exceptional grounds, Romania's government ruled yesterday.
Romania to change law to let 11-year-old rape victim have an abortion
Times Online -Jun 26, 2008
Romania is preparing to change its laws and allow an 11-year old rape victim to have an abortion in her home country instead of having to travel to Britain for the procedure.
11-year-old Romanian will get abortion in Britain
The Associated Press -Jun 27, 2008
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - An 11-year-old pregnant girl allegedly raped by her uncle will travel to Britain for an abortion despite a government ruling that the procedure can take place in Romania. Ignoring pressure from a number of religious groups, ...
Romania to rule on abortion in UK for girl, 11 -Jun 25, 2008
A government committee in Romania will decide tomorrow whether an 11-year-old who was raped by her uncle can travel to Britain for an abortion, the health minister, Eugen Nicolaescu, said yesterday.
US story
New York Times -
By AP The government has ruled that a pregnant 11-year-old who was raped by a relative can have an abortion in Romania. Twenty Christian Orthodox church groups have threatened to press charges if the government allows the girl, who is 21 weeks pregnant ...
Outcry in Romania over abortion for raped 11-year-old girl
The Times -
Romania is heatedly debating the emotive issue of underaged girls being allowed abortions after it was revealed that an 11-year-old Romanian girl intended to fly to Britain to terminate her 21-week pregnancy.
Rape victim, 11, allowed abortion in Romania
The Associated Press -
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - The government ruled Thursday that an 11-year-old rape victim would be allowed to have an abortion in Romania, dismissing the opposition of 20 church groups. Pro-life Christian Orthodox groups had threatened to press charges ...
Romania will let 11-year-old rape victim have an abortion -
A girl of 11 who claims she was raped by her 19-year-old uncle can have an abortion on exceptional grounds, Romania's government ruled yesterday.
Romania to change law to let 11-year-old rape victim have an abortion
Times Online -
Romania is preparing to change its laws and allow an 11-year old rape victim to have an abortion in her home country instead of having to travel to Britain for the procedure.
11-year-old Romanian will get abortion in Britain
The Associated Press -
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) - An 11-year-old pregnant girl allegedly raped by her uncle will travel to Britain for an abortion despite a government ruling that the procedure can take place in Romania. Ignoring pressure from a number of religious groups, ...
Romania to rule on abortion in UK for girl, 11 -
A government committee in Romania will decide tomorrow whether an 11-year-old who was raped by her uncle can travel to Britain for an abortion, the health minister, Eugen Nicolaescu, said yesterday.
US story
Nu cunosc legile romanesti in domeniu, dar probabil sunt la fel de dobitoace ca cei din Kurtea Constipationala. In majoritatea tarilor unde oamenii se obosesc si-si dau interesul sa faca legi in parlament si apoi sa le aplici prin curti si-n spatele bloacelor, exista cateva concepte simple.
Statutory Rape
Asta inseamna ca o persoana cu o varsta sub o limita arbitrara impusa de lege (in general 18 ani, dar in unele jurisdictii ajunge si la 14) este considerata violata daca celalalt (sau ceilalti) participanti au peste varsta respectiva. Este deci irelevant daca "a vrut" sau n-a vrut. (1-3)Ethical Rape
...sau violul "etic". Daca doi oameni au sex, iar unul dintre ei se afla intr-o pozitie de autoritate (camp counselor, doctor-pacient, avocat-client, invatator-student, politist-prostituata, sef-subaltern, etc), este iarasi viol. Asta nu este peste tot codificat in lege, dar iarasi esti un dobitoc daca te pui intr-o astfel de situatie. Motivul e simplu: tot ca si sus, persoana respectiva nu poate exersa free will (de buna voie si nesil(u)it(a) de nimeni).Societate Democratica
Intr-o societate democratica, libertatile individuale sunt respectate. Este dreptul individului de a decide asupra vietii sale, cata vreme nu-i afecteaza pe altii. Pentru cei minori, decid parintii. Daca atat parintii cat si individul minor au luat o decizie, nu e treaba statului sau a consiliului medicilor sa se-amestece. Poate fi cel mult treaba "autoritatii tutelare" sau directiei drepturilor copiilor in cazul nostru, care sa se intereseze atat de copil, cat si de copilul copilului, dar astia s-au pronuntat deja in favoarea avortului.Este oarecum trist ca singurii cu capul pe umeri sunt Biserica Ortodoxa, care a spus ceea ce ar trebui sa fie clar tuturor: e treaba familiei, lasati-i sa faca asa cum vor ei.
Raman in offside doctorii si guvernul plm(ele), care-ar trebui pusi la zid, impuscati cu gloante oarbe si batuti cu lanturi ude. Singurii care castiga din afacerea asta sunt liniile aeriene, care vand bilete in plus si poate sistemul de asigurare medicala din UK, in cazul ca interventia este nesubventionata; in rest, toata lumea pierde.
Thank you for reading (mulţam fain pentru cetire)! Publicat
Monday, June 30, 2008
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