Cateva stiri despre filme romanesti la / si festival-E-uri.
“S-a furat o bomba” este un film pe cat de putin cunoscut, pe atat de important, si-asta cu atat mai mult cu cat a precedat cu doi ani capodopera lui Kubrick, Dr Iubireciudata sau cum am invatat sa nu-mi pese si sa iubesc bomba. Iurie Darie pare sa emuleze perfect silueta si miscarile omuletului lui Gopo dar si-al lui Buster Keaton. Filmul are calitatea unei productii europene a acelor vremuri – unii vad asemanari cu [filmele lui] Jacques Tati – playlist. Am facut chiar o comparatie intre scena bombei din filmul lui Gopo si sfarsitul din Dr Strangelove (n-am inclus si The Mouse That Roared ‘59 – trailer + ru – fiindca e in culori). Zice personajul lui Peter Sellers – care joaca 3 roluri – in acele tulburi vremuri cand Japonia si Germania galopau furios inainte:
There isn’t a more profitable undertaking for a country than to declare war on the United States and to be defeated.
Dac-ai prins gust, vezi si "La Jetee" (1962). Peste “A bomb was stolen” am dat la Toro Shorts.
Cu oarecare intarziere, m-am gandit sa va povestesc despre festivalurile romanest – poate la anul va zic fara.
Aflate la a 5-a editie, Oscarurile romanesti (Gala Gopo 2011) l-au premiat zdravan pe Eu cand vreau sa fluier, fluier.
Victor Rebengiuc a fost primit calduros când a prezentat nominalizarile si premiul pentru Cea mai buna actrita în rol principal (obtinut de Mirela Oprisor). Actorul a destins atmosfera, spunând ca va citi un text scris de organizatori, ceea ce era adevarat, dar se pare ca publicul nu a crezut.
Au urmat momentele emotionante când toti cei circa 700 de invitati au aplaudat în picioare numirea lui Victor Rebengiuc Cel mai bun actor în rol principal, pentru prestatia din filmul „Medalia de onoare" (bloggeri, 1, 2), de Calin Netzer. Victor Rebengiuc a urcat, pentru un moment, pe scena, pentru a saluta publicul ca la fotbal.
„Victore, se pare ca e seara batrânilor", s-a adresat putin mai târziu actorul Ion Besoiu, catre Rebengiuc, atunci când a primit premiul pentru întreaga activitate. Ion Besoiu a jucat în peste 80 de filme, toate cu mare succes de public, si a spus ca apreciaza ca i s-a acordat trofeul în luna în care „a împlinit 40 de ani de când a împlinit 40". (RL)
Nu demult s-a-ncheiat tot a 5-a editie a festivalului de scurt-metraje Next (6-10 Aprilie, Bucuresti). Cum am tot prezentat scurt-metraje si acum cateva saptamani am fost chiar la un festival al scurt-metrajelor japoneze (despre asta alta data). Zice Sidney Levine:
Romania, a city largely unknown to tourists. Time to take out the history book as this nation is unique. The Runaway (4,000 Euro prize) and Silent River were 2 of my favorite winners as judged by the illustrious jury Marian Masone (Associate Director of Programming, Special Programs and Director of Festivals for the Film Society of Lincoln Center), Christian Guinot (organizer of the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival), Anne Garber (executive producer of the short film magazine KurzSchluss for ZDF/Arte), Marie Dubas (former short film producer for Paris-based company Les Films du requin and now founder of Paris-based production company Petit Film with Jean des Forêts, where she develops feature length films), Dana Bunescu, the most sought-after editor and sound designer in the Romanian film industry. Her credits include, among many others, The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu by Andrei Ujica, First of All, Felicia by Razvan Radulescu and Melissa de Raaf, Love Sick by Tudor Giurgiu, The Death of Mr. Lazarescu by Cristi Puiu, The Great Communist Bank Robbery by Alexandru Solomon. (..)
Some films already have been awarded at international festivals, such as: Deeper than Yesterday (directed by Ariel Kleiman, Australia, 2009 winner of the Kodak Discovery Award and Petit Rail d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival) or The Drawer and the Crow (directed by Frederick Tremblay, Canada, 2009) a touching animation, winner of the Best Canadian Film Award at the International Animation Festival from Ottawa. The program also includes one of the four Romanian films competing for the prize: – Adultery (directed by Peter Kerek, Romania, 2010), together with The Chronoscope (directed by Andrew Legge, Ireland, 2009) a pseudo-documentary about a fictitious invention that would have changed the history of the world, The Great Race (directed by Kote Camacho, Spain, 2010), Sunset from a rooftop (directed by Marinus Groothof, Holland, 2009) and Elena (directed by Yannick Muller, France, 2010). The film directors and sound designers of the short films in the competition were present in Bucharest to meet NexT audiences. The first day of NexT ended with the American comedy, Cold Souls (directed by Sophie Barthes, 2009) part of the They were NexT Generation Too section, an extremely funny film according to New York Times reviews, was selected for Sundance in 2009, and has as leading actors the well-known Paul Giamatti and Emily Watson.
Si-acum un docomentar diasporean..
alex king
Documentarul unui orfan adoptat din USA, Born to be Our Children, a castigat Gold Remi la al 44-lea Houston Worldfest.
The Houston Worldfest ( is the third oldest competitive International film festival in North American, and the oldest independent Film And Video Festival in the World. It is also one of the largest film festivals. In 2010, they received more than 4,500 category entries from 37 countries. This is the film festival that discovered Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Ang Lee, Randal Kleiser, The Coen Brothers, Spike Lee to name a few. (..)
I am so excited about having won the Gold Remi at the Houston Worldfest,” says Alex King, the twenty-two year old filmmaker from California. “I love to film. I had some struggles with school, and bullying, but I kept looking for my passion in life. Then I tried filming and editing. I want to make a difference in the world, I think that can be done with film.” His documentary takes the viewer back to the 1989 Revolution in Romania that brought about the overthrow of their Dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu. After the revolution, images of the thousands of orphans began appearing. People all over the world saw the faces of these children. This is a story about some of the families who knew in their hearts that they needed to go to Romania and find the children that were “Born To Be Our Children.” (..)
“To see our son with such an enthusiasm about his filming is so rewarding,” Debbie King, his mother, says. “If the viewing public knew of his challenges, they would be as impressed as we are with his accomplishments.” “We were so proud when they called his name and he won the Gold,” says his father Brian King. Despite being told by people that he wouldn’t be able to do certain things, his parents told him “you never know what you can do until you try.” Alex had the spirit and the strength within him to prove himself. He embraced his disabilities and worked around them. He sees his ADHD as a benefit for his film career.
In alte “stiri”, Razy Gogonea, un roman de 28 de ani care traieste cu prietena lui in Manchester a aparut la “Britain’s Got Talent”. Si cu sau fara legatura, Saphia Khambalia care ne vorbea despre Charlie Sheen la Massey Hall in Toronto isi imprastie cu generozitate mucii pe microfon. E oarecum “disturbing”, intr-o masura mai mare decat soparla asta de Razvan.
Sources / More info: iw-nxt, nxt, sfx-alxk, ro-gogonea, mubi-gopo, imdb-SFbomb, pr-alex-king, rl-fs, akingproduction, next-yt
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