Franglais, sau rudele Ghidoo  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in ,

Cu totii cunoastem exemplele romglezei, exemplificate fie de snobii care trantesc cuvinte romglezite din dorinta de a pare cosmopoliti, chit ca-si amintesc foarte bine corespondentul romanesc get-beget, fie de cei care si-au pierdut o parte din vocabularul romanesc pe drumul catra meleaguri streine.

franglais-entrance through the bottom

Pentru noi, romgleza se refera la vorbirea d-lui Iliescu sau la semnele cioplite in engrish cu care intampinam putinii turisti straini care supravietuiesc exigentelor calatoriei in Romania.

Astfel de gugumanii se-ntampla insa si in limba franceza. Citez din Economist:

The number of French firms using phonetic spelling is proliferating. Alongside Keljob there is Kiloutou (qui loue tout, or who rents everything), a machinery-rental company, or Kelcoo (quel cout, or what price), a price-comparison internet service. Then there is Meetic (mythique) an online dating site, Sajoo (ça joue, or it’s playing), a web gambling site, and Amagiz (à ma guise, in my own way), an insurer. The phonetic shorthand of text-messaging in French—kdo for cadeau (present) and so forth—has certainly helped to overturn the traditional rules of the language, particularly for companies whose brand is all about upending conventions.

Atatea “oo”-uri finale par a sugera ca Daniel Racovitan, creatorul Ghidoo si Photoree care traieste in Paris se afla in companie selecta..

Economistul vede si alte chestii cum ar fi Academia Franceza care ar trebui sa vegheze la integritatea limbii, intocmai ca cea romana – iar o companie selecta!

  • Longtemps, pas voir. – Long time, no see.
  • Je vais driver downtown. – I'm going to drive downtown.
  • Je suis tired. – I am tired.
  • Je ne care pas. – I don't care.
  • J'agree. – I agree.
  • M'en va tanker mon char. (Québec)  – I go fill up my car.

De ce discut astfel de faze? Fiindca majoritatea romanilor care-si imagineaza ca vorbesc si scriu bine engleza (inclusiv eu, probabil), habar n-au, dar interpreteaza corecturile ca fiind insulte si atacuri personale. Priveste urmatoarele clipuri din Family Guy si daca nu gasesti cel putin 5 greseli majore in fiecare, probabil ca si engleza ta cam lasa de dorit.

In final, o lista de la guy-sports:

  1. In a Paris hotel elevator: Please leave your values at the front desk.
  2. Outside a Paris dress shop: Dresses for street walking.
  3. In a Bed and Breakfast in France: The genuine antics in your room come from our family castle. Long life to it.
  4. In a Bed and Breakfast in France: Please avoid coca watering, cream cleaning, wet towels wrapping, and ironing drying.
  5. Hunt-Wesson introduced its Big John products in French Canada as Gros Jos before finding out that the phrase, in slang, means "big breasts". In this case, however, the name problem did not have a noticeable effect on sales.
  6. Colgate introduced a toothpaste in France called Cue, the name of a notorious pornographic magazine.
  7. We saw a menu translation in a restaurant near Calais where "Pate de maison" was in the English version as "Our pie". [Pâté de maison may be better translated as house pâté, or even house special.]
  8. Overheard in Pontivy, Brittany, France: Je ne care pas. - I don't care.
  9. On the same holiday overheard: Longtemps, pas voir. - Long time, no see.
  10. The French father of twins is known as - Pas du tout. (Not Pas de deux!)

Dac-ar fi sa fac un sumar al “dezbaterii”, ar fi similar cu gandurile Anne-Mariei Mayotte de la writersblock:

This difference in perspective is at the heart of a debate that has kept scholars employed for several centuries: Is lexical and grammatical cross-pollination a sign of the type of dynamic evolution that enhances communication or a sign of a form of bastardization that impedes clear expression?

The answer is ... "yes." For language is, as it should be, the reflection of those who speak it; it is their signature as political, social, and cultural beings. Language can represent anything from the most basic communication tool to the most exquisite art form, depending on who uses it and for what purpose.

LE: Am avut mai demult o discutie cu Mihai despre evolutia limbii in comentariile de la concursul zamolxis de masacrare a citatelor.

Sources / More info: Kelhorreur!, wiki-franglais, franglais-canada, ud-franglais, franglais-lessons, funny-franglais, racovitan, yt-fam-guy-2-foreign, yt-franglais

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