Perusing the Romanian press, everything is shocking and all sources of info seem to be tabloids. Perhaps time is ripe for an overview of all the crap that’s overflowing.
Searching for news on any topic in the Romanian blogosphere aka you soon find yourself wasting time on some of the dumbest headlines ever conceived. Take, for instance, one of the highest rated TV news stations website:
Nastase [the former PM] was readying for something “irreversible.” Shocking hypothesis about the suicide attempt of the former premier.
Everything is “shocking” and “explosive” and I could not help wondering if this is rather due to Google not distinguishing between tabloids and serious news. When I search for news in English I don’t reach tabloids. Then again, maybe the Romanian public at large reads tabloids more than normal news and “normal” has a different meaning over there, which is why tabloids rank so high in the search results.
Take, for instance, the Economist. All you need to know in just a few short paragraphs – the full article is slightly longer and signed by a mysterious or modest L.C.
Since the end of communism no high-profile politician has ever gone to jail. Everyone had assumed that Mr Ponta’s Social Democrats would protect Mr Nastase, who is a member of the party too.
This is a significant moment for Romania which has often been criticised by the European Union over the last couple of years for being incapable of nailing its corrupt senior politicians. The high level of corruption was the reason why Romania was blocked last year from joining the European Union's Schengen passport-free area. (..)
Whatever Mr Nastase’s fate might be, his case is sending a strong signal. For the first time since the end of communism Romania has proved that it can send powerful politicians behind the bars, no matter how much money or power they have. This is something Romanians have been waiting for since the 1989 revolution.
Of those who have presented the news, other than repeating the well known details with many exclamation points, few seem to have caught on to the rather implausible petty details in the chronicle of this announced suicide.
Alin Fumurescu makes the case for a staged suicide attempt or, as he calls it in reference to a scandal that preceded it by a few days, "plagiarized" (af-plagiat).
- Adrian Nastase is not a leftie yet the bullet entered next to the sterno-cleido-mastoidian muscle on the left, following then an ascending trajectory. Unless he was trying hard to make a political statement, it’s hard to imagine the policeman twisting his arm that way.
- It is claimed that the bullet (much like in the JFK case) ricocheted off the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple) continuing on to the clavicle, where it ricocheted one mo’ time. This is impossible for a 45 calibre bullet from a Smith & Wesson.
- Though bloodied by his wounds, he had his shirt and lingerie changed “because he couldn’t go to the hospital like that” - according to his lawyer, Ion Cazacu. After most likely being turned on each side by the paramedics (or having changed himself), he emerges in fresh clothes and, against all norms of first aid, with a
500over 300 euro Burberry around his neck. - Throughout the ordeal, his wife Dana, her sister and everybody else in the house waited on the top floor of the mansion.
- Adrian Nastase waited 11h for surgery where it is discovered he suffered from more serious issues than the gun wound and that “he can have a heart attack any minute”. Dr Mircea Beuran, Chief of Surgery at the Floreasca Hospital said “I cannot confirm whether it was fake or not, because each specialist evaluated according to his specialty. In my field [surgery] I found nothing of interest.”
- In the door frame where the bullet was found there was another, older bullet. Was that from the suicide rehearsal? Did he invite the policemen to count his bullets and they found two big, intact ones?
Other commentators adopt a similarly harsh tone. Dan Tapalaga thinks that justice is all relative for primitive people, who are far too easy to manipulate, as Victor Ponta did with "Basescu, are you happy now?"
- Am mai vazut filmul asta, tot la Floreasca unde opereaza niste doctori dubiosi toti penalii si borfasii Romaniei. Stiti cazul Nicolescu, ala de la Pitesti arestat anul trecut, trecut printr-un infarct si imediat dupa aia printr-o campanie pe care a castigat-o foarte vioi. Totusi, nu va sperie putin faza asta care se tot repeta, cu umblat la sentimentul prostimii, cu mimat artistic moartea (infarct, sinucidere, cancerul lui Hayssam). Nu va pune nitel pe ganduri?
- Dreptatea, in cazul popoarelor primitive, usor impresionabile, fara reflexe democratice si cultura institutionala, e ceva relativ. Azi esti calau, maine te scoatem victima. Etica si morala publica sunt ca plastilina. Unele televiziuni de stiri in cardasie cu politicienii cinici fac restul. Spala ce-a mai ramas viu din creier.
- Basescu, esti fericit, intreaba Ponta iesind de la spital. Manipulare ordinara, fara scrupule, la fel mobilizarea fulger a unor copii nefericiti pusi sa agite intrebarea lui Ponta pe niste hartii la televizor. Unde s-a topit respectul procurorului fata de justitie si dreptate? Ce-l face pe Victor Ponta atat de josnic?
Vlad Zografi and Vladimir Tismaneanu find literary analogies. The first sees similarities between Nastase’s suicide and Caragiale, while the latter compares Victor Ponta’s plagiarism with Eugen Barbu’s.
- „Groaznica sinucidere din strada Fidelita?ii” se încheie cu logodna domni?oarei Por?ia Popescu.
- Prozatorul Eugen Barbu a fost acuzat, in primul rand de Fanus Neagu, de furt, in romanul sau “Incognito”, din operele unor Andre Malraux (romanul “Speranta”), Mihail Koltsov (“Jurnalul” din Spania) si Konstantin Paustovski (amintirile marelui scriitor rus). Brigada de soc din jurul revistei “Saptamana” a pornit la atac, Barbu s-a plans aproape istoric ca este victima unei cabale urzita de cei de la “Europa Libera” (Monica Lovinesu si Virgil Ierunca) si “oamenii lor”.
- O comisie condusa, din cat tine minte, de respectatul profesor si istoric literar clujean Mircea Zaciu, a cercetat cazul si a ajuns la concluza ca, intr-adevar, Barbu comisese un plagiat incontestabil si absolut scandalos. A urmat un comunicat al Uniunii Scriitorilor, discutii cu Ceausescu, tentative ale politrucilor de a amuti vocile criticilor “patronului”, cum i se spunea lui Barbu. La vremea aceea, Malraux si Paustovski erau decedati. Mort era si jurnalistul Mihail Koltsov, prietenul lui Hemingway (il recunoasteti ca personaj in “Pentru cine bat clopotele”), fusese executat sub acuzatia de spionaj in 1940 (dupa alte surse in 1942). A fost reabilitat in 1956, dupa “Raportul Secret” al lui Hrusciov.
Sadly, this is not the only major scandal. Let us not forget Hidroelectrica.
Sources / More info: econ, cdzmb, af-plagiat, hn-dt, con-vg, con-vt, r22,
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