PdM IV – Flower, adek Floare  

Thrown (Ţâpat) in

A venit iar vremea poeziei de marti. Dupa ce am trecut prin E E Cummings, Wordsworth si Catullus, ne-aplecam catre anii inceputurilor anii 1800 anii cu floricele si inocenta virtuoasa.

tennysonPoezia apartine lui Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), si a fost scrisa in 1850. Ca si Robert Frost, a fost Poet Laureat (al Curtii) in Marea Britanie cam cat a fost si Regina Victoria si scria in principal poezii scurte, motiv pentru care s-ar putea sa-i prezint si alte poezii.

Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower -but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.

  Tu floare de colt, minune sub bolti
Te smulg de-a-ntregul din crapatura
Te iau in mana cu tot cu radacina
Floricica mica –tu n-ai nici o vina
Pricepe ce esti de-am putea am fi culti
Si-am sti ce-i Zeu, ce-i om, ce-i muratura.

Title:     The Beauteous Flower
Author: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



I KNOW a flower of beauty rare,

Ah, how I hold it dear!
To seek it I would fain repair,

Were I not prison'd here.
My sorrow sore oppresses me,
For when I was at liberty,

I had it close beside me.

Though from this castle's walls so steep

I cast mine eyes around,
And gaze oft from the lofty keep,

The flower can not be found.
Whoe'er would bring it to my sight,
Whether a vassal he, or knight,

My dearest friend I'd deem him.


I blossom fair,--thy tale of woes

I hear from 'neath thy grate.
Thou doubtless meanest me, the rose.

Poor knight of high estate!
Thou hast in truth a lofty mind;
The queen of flowers is then enshrin'd,

I doubt not, in thy bosom.


Thy red, in dress of green array'd,

As worth all praise I hold;
And so thou'rt treasured by each maid

Like precious stones or gold.
Thy wreath adorns the fairest face
But still thou'rt not the flower whose grace

I honour here in silence.


The rose is wont with pride to swell,

And ever seeks to rise;
But gentle sweethearts love full well

The lily's charms to prize,
The heart that fills a bosom true,
That is, like me, unsullied too,

My merit values duly.


In truth, I hope myself unstain'd,

And free from grievous crime;
Yet I am here a prisoner chain'd,

And pass in grief my time,
To me thou art an image sure
Of many a maiden, mild and pure,

And yet I know a dearer.


That must be me, the pink, who scent

The warder's garden here;
Or wherefore is he so intent

My charms with care to rear?
My petals stand in beauteous ring,
Sweet incense all around I fling,

And boast a thousand colours.


The pink in truth we should not slight,

It is the gardener's pride
It now must stand exposed to light,

Now in the shade abide.
Yet what can make the Count's heart glow
Is no mere pomp of outward show;

It is a silent flower.


Here stand I, modestly half hid,

And fain would silence keep;
Yet since to speak I now am bid,

I'll break my silence deep.
If, worthy Knight, I am that flower,
It grieves me that I have not power

To breathe forth all my sweetness.


The violet's charms I prize indeed,

So modest 'tis, and fair,
And smells so sweet; yet more I need

To ease my heavy care.
The truth I'll whisper in thine ear:
Upon these rocky heights so drear,

I cannot find the loved one.

The truest maiden 'neath the sky

Roams near the stream below,
And breathes forth many a gentle sigh,

Till I from hence can go.
And when she plucks a flow'ret blue,
And says "Forget-me-not!"--I, too,

Though far away, can feel it.

Ay, distance only swells love's might,

When fondly love a pair;
Though prison'd in the dungeon's night,

In life I linger there
And when my heart is breaking nigh,
"Forget-me-not!" is all I cry,

And straightway life returneth.



Desi foarte scurta, vechimea ei o face supra-analizata. Numit uneori “fragment”, poezia se inscrie intre multele din acea vreme care se concentreaza asupra unei creaturi aparent neinsemnate pentru a extrage intelesuri adanci. Un secol mai devreme, Goethe a scris o poezie tot despre o floare, dar exista diferente. In primul rand, Tennyson are o conexie intima cu floarea si vorbeste cu ea (era insurat, dar cine stie ce alte chestii a mai facut cu ea). Noi ramanem pe din-afara, ca atunci cand vizionam un porn retro. Goethe, pe de alta parte, smulge floarea si-o duce-n casa si vrea sa fie aplaudat fiindca n-o ucide, chit ca floarea i-o zas: “ma, nu fi hain”. Eric Fromm considera ca Tennyson vrea sa “posede” floarea si o smulge, distrugand-o. Actul lui Goethe e mai degraba un POV.

Filozoful budist Suzuki (1960) a contrastat estetica Occidentala cu cea Orientala prin aceste doua poeme despre flori, cel japonez apartinandu-i lui Basho:

When I look carefully
I see the nazuna blooming
By the hedge!

Dupa Suzuki, Basho nu sta sa smulga floarea (bine, nici nu prea e timp de smuls in 12 cuvinte), admirand-o de la o distanta respectuoasa. El se lasa cuprins de sentimente de reverie si nu-si doreste sa le conceptualizeze. In contrast, T & G sunt activi si analitici. Smulgand floarea, o distrug in actul admiratiei acesteia. Suzuki il compara pe T si curiozitatea sa cu cea a medicilor, care vad un pas pozitiv si progresist in a diseca animale vii. Poezia lui T ne duce cu gandul la spusele lui Francis Bacon, care considera cercetatorul ca fiind cineva care trebuie sa “extraga prin tortura secretele naturii de la ea” si sa o faca sclava umanitatii.

Principles of monism, holism, and balanced complementarity in nature, which can temper perceptions of opposition and conflict, have largely given way to the analytic urge in the recent history of Western culture. (Readings for..)

Will Herber (1901-1907) a inventat sintagma “cut-flower culture” descriind dezradacinarea spirituala a societatii moderne, atat europeana cat si americana, care nu pot supravietui fara o reintoarcere la radacinile iudeo-crestine. Scrie el in Judaism and Modern Man:

The attempt made in recent decades by secularist thinkers to disengage the moral principles of western civilization from their scripturally based religious context, in the assurance that they could live a life of their own as "humanistic" ethics, has resulted in our "cut flower culture." Cut flowers retain their original beauty and fragrance, but only so long as they retain the vitality that they have drawn from their now-severed roots; after that is exhausted, they wither and die. So with freedom, brotherhood, justice, and personal dignity — the values that form the moral foundation of our civilization. Without the life-giving power of the faith out of which they have sprung, they possess neither meaning nor vitality.

Am adaugat momentul cu “Flower” din Bambi la sfarsitul listei, dupa Floare de Colt cu Ducu Bertzi, Dida Dragan si Iris.

Urmatoarea PdM, V, fi-va Mistretul lui Doinas.

Sources / More info: wiki-flower, wiki-tennyson, wiki-laureate, wiki-fromm, book-flower, wiki-monism, wiki-holism, yt-floare

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